One of the handiest words to learn is 'Selamat', which by itself means 'safe', but is used in a multitude of greetings.
For example: ...
Selamat pagi | Good morning (till ~ 10AM) |
Selamat siang | Good day (till ~ 3PM) |
Selamat sore | Good afternoon (till dusk) |
Selamat malam | Good evening (after dark) |
Selamat tidur | Good night, sleep well |
Selamat makan | Good eating, enjoy your meal |
Selamat minum | Good drinking, cheers |
Selamat datang | Welcome |
Selamat jalan | Goodbye (to someone leaving) |
Selamat tinggal | Goodbye (if you are leaving) |
And so the list could go on.
Various places that may be handy to know are...
Di mana .......? = Where is .........?
Kantor pos | Post office |
Kantor polisi | Police station |
Toko | Shop |
Bank | Bank |
Kamar saya | My room |
WC (way-say) | Toilet |
Kamar mandi | Bathroom |
For those of you that want to try a bit of bargaining in another language try these for starters:
Berapa harganya? | What's the price? |
Terlalu mahal | Too expensive |
Murah | Cheap |
Saya tidak mau | I don't want (it) |
A few assorted words are included below
Terima kasih | Thank you |
Sama-sama | You're welcome (response to "thank you") |
Bagus! | Great! |
Enak | Delicious |
Gula | Sugar |
Susu | Milk |
Air | Water |
Sabun | Soap |
Handuk | Towel |
Teh | Tea |
Kopi | Coffee |
Garam | Salt |
Kertas | Paper |
Rokok | Cigarette |
Asbak | Ashtray |
Korek api | Matches |
Panas | Hot |
Dingin | Cold/Cool |
1/2 = Setengah | 11 = Sebelas | 104 = Seratus Empat | 50,000 = Lima Puluh Ribu |
1 = Satu | 12 = Dua Belas | 110 = Seratus Sepuluh | 100,000 = Seratus Ribu |
2 = Dua | 13 = Tiga Belas | 160 = Seratus Enam Puluh | 150,000 = Seratus Lima Puluh Ribu |
3 = Tiga | 14 = Empat Belas | 500 = Lima Ratus | 340,000 = Tiga Ratus Empat Puluh Ribu |
4 = Empat | 18 = Delapan Belas | 800 = Delapan Ratus | 1,000,000 = Satu Juta |
5 = Lima | 20 = Dua Puluh | 1,000 = Seribu | 4,500,000 = Empat Juta Lima Ratus Ribu |
6 = Enam | 25 = Dua Puluh Lima | 2,500 = Dua Ribu Lima Ratus | 8,000,700 = Delapan Juta Tujuh Ratus |
7 = Tujuh | 47 = Empat Puluh Tujuh | 5,300 = Lima Ribu Tiga Ratus | 10,000,000 = Sepuluh Juta |
8 = Delapan | 71 = Tujuh Puluh Satu | 10,000 = Sepuluh Ribu | 20,000,000 = Dua Puluh Juta |
9 = Sembilan | 99 = Sembilan Puluh Sembilan | 15,000 = Lima Belas Ribu | 50,000,000 = Lima Puluh Juta |
10 = Sepuluh | 100 = Seratus | 20,000 = Dua Puluh Ribu | 1,000,000,000 = Satu Milyar |